Have a question about the M&R Companies or about M&R screen printing machines like manual & automatic textile presses, graphics presses, conveyor dryers, computer-to-screen (CTS) imaging & exposure units, or other products? Check out the FAQs shown below.
HTTP cookies (also referred to as tracking cookies, or cookies) are small pieces of text stored by a your web browser that contain useful information related to your use of the mrprint.com website.
We use cookies to store information about your account user name, so you don't need to type it in the next time you visit the site.
Cookies are also used to store your selections when you use a temporary shopping cart in our store.
To protect your data, the site uses secure https communication mode.
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Serial number search
Auto Correction
To regain access to your saved items, wish lists or to place orders, you'll need to login in each time you visit the store.
To log in:
If you are using a public terminal, you will want to log out of the website before you leave the computer. Here's how:
Your equipment serial number should be your starting point when searching for replacement parts. While M&R manufactures most models of our equipment for many years, improvements in existing features and functions over time mean that specific parts will change depending on the date of your machine's manufacture. When you enter your serial number, your search results will contain only items identified as compatible with your equipment. A serial number search will also provide additional information about your machine such as the operator's manual, electrical drawings, etc.
Placing an Item in Your Shopping Cart
Once you have found the part or supply you're looking for, click the Add to Cart button. Each time you click that button, you will add to the previous item quantity in the shopping cart. You can also adjust the quantity in the cart before you check out. When you have finished shopping, proceed to the checkout page by clicking the View Cart & Checkout button, or clicking on the Shopping Cart icon in the upper right corner of the page. If you would like to continue shopping, click on the Continue Shopping button, or click on any category page (in the left side navigation bar). You can also add items to the Shopping Cart from the item category page, Wish List or order details pages.
Changing Item Quantities
If you wish to buy multiple quantities of an item you have placed in your Shopping Cart, change the number in the QTY box. Be sure to click the Update Item link, just below the quantity item, to confirm any changes.
Deleting Items From Your Cart
If you wish to delete an item in your Shopping Cart, simply change the number to "0" in the quantity column of your shopping cart and click on the Update Item link, or, click on Remove Item link. To completely empty your Shopping Cart, click the Clear Shopping Cart link.
Using the Wish List Container
You can use a Wish List to create a shopping list on-the-fly. Add frequently purchased items or items required for the upcoming customer purchase to a list using the Wish List button on the item listing and detail pages. While you are viewing a Wish List, click on the Add to Cart button to add that item to the Shopping Cart.
At The M&R Companies, we understand that our customers wish to keep their personal information private, and we have gone to great lengths to ensure that all such information is guaranteed complete privacy.
How do I know if a website is secure?
In order to be accurate, we are going to get a bit detailed here. When buying something on the Internet, there are three things you need to be sure of:
Many security experts say the most important thing is what happens once the merchant receives your order. At The M&R Companies, we use GoDaddy Secure Certification Authority, the leading provider of electronic commerce solutions, to keep things on our end as safe as possible.
To make it easier to locate and keep track of items you're considering or items you purchase on regular basis--products such as consumables, accessories, or standard maintenance parts--we've created Wish List. It's a list very much like the one you would take with you to the store but with added features.
Wish List saves items even after you leave our site, making it easy to relocate and purchase your favorite items in the future. Items you place on your Wish List will remain there until they are purchased or removed.
To create a Wish List, simply click the Wish List button shown on any item detail page next to the Add To Cart button. A window will pop-up asking you to either select an existing Wish List or to create a new one by entering a new list name. Select or create your new list, then click the submit button to save the new list and add the item to it, or to add the item to the selected existing list.
You can create an unlimited number of Wish Lists while shopping to keep your parts orders grouped by equipment type, repair job, supply type, etc..