

  1. Go to the M&R home page (
  2. In order to post a review, you must be logged in, so click “Login” if you have an account or “Create an Account” if you do not
  3. After you have logged in or created an account, go to any product page—either by using the search feature or by selecting the product category and then clicking on the product name—and scroll down to “Customer Reviews”
  4. Click on “+ ADD YOUR REVIEW” or “Be the first one to write a review”
  5. Select a star rating
  6. Create a Review Headline
  7. Write your review
  8. Leave “Post my Review” checked if you want your review posted (please read the terms underneath)
  9. Click “Send a copy to M&R’s CEO” if you would like a copy sent directly there
  10. Click SUBMIT


  1. Rate the product on a scale of 1 to 5
  2. Click on or paste the address into an email
  3. Create a Review Headline (the headline is optional; we can create one for you based on the contents of your review)
  4. Write your review
  5. Provide your name, title, and company name
  6. Create a Review Headline
  7. (Optional) Include your company’s website and/or Facebook page if you would like those included with your review
  8. (Optional) Attach your company logo and/or a personal photo and/or a photo of your equipment (by itself or with you or employees)

Terms & Conditions: I hereby give M&R provisional permission as described above—revocable by me at any time—to use this review, in edited form or in its entirety, in print and online media, and to include my name and company for attribution. Should I now or later submit a logo of my company, my company's website address, Facebook or other social media address, or a personal likeness, I grant provisional permission to use those also.